Sunday, April 25, 2010

Crockpot Roast

I am on a strict diet for the next two weeks, eliminating dairy, processed sugar, and most gluten...not full on the gluten elimination yet; however, I did make a very yummy Roast in the crock pot, and served it with home made french fries, and sauteed asparagus.

Crockpot Roast

2 cups beef broth
1 3-4 lb. roast fat trimmed
2 tbls. corriander
2 tbls. Cumin
onion to taste

Put in crockpot and cook on low setting for 7 hours or high for 4 hours.

I cut new potatoes with skins on, into fries, and cooked in hot canola oil.

I sauteed the asparagus in olive oil with fresh crushed garlic, and 1/2 cup of dry sherry for about 20 minutes.

With the left overs I plan on making a soup witht he broth, shredded roast, carrots and celery.

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